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Old 10-03-2011, 05:32 PM   #3
Homer Joe
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Default Re: J! E! T! S! Jets! Jets! Jets!

It seems the only obvious problem you ever see is Sanchez. I am tired of going back and forth with the Sanchez debate. Yes, he is not great. Yes, he has ALOT more to prove. Yes, it is very unnerving that it seems he has taken a step back. However, as I have said before I AM NOT SANCHEZ'S BIGGEST FAN, but get over your ego and give credit where credit is due. To say he has never done anything on the field is ridiculous! Did you watch the playoffs the past two years??? Maybe not because you always seem to be mysteriously absent if he has a good game.

How about discussing something OTHER than Sanchez just once? You act like you are some "experienced expert" and you have been a Jets fan for what 30 years? Why is it that you have nothing else to add other than complaining about Sanchez? Have YOU ever played sports? Do you understand how one position can be affected by other positions? Do you understand how much of a factor chemistry plays in sports? When you did play sports did you scrap your season ifyou had a weakness at a certain position?

Do you have anything to add that isn't Sanchez related? You realize there are 21 other starters right?

As far as my rose colored glasses are concerned, I am a fan of the Jets. When I watch games I watch the Jets not just the qb. I go into every season, game with hope that they will win and until the clock hits 00 I continue to have hope. What is the point of watching if that is not how you feel?
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