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Old 08-23-2012, 06:18 AM   #18
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Default Re: World FITASC - One Man's Review (days one & two)

Just kidding. We were done by noon, so I decided to go visit my dad for a few hours, he lives in Skokie.

I got back the range about 4:00, and now it was Miller Time, cigar time, war story time, lots of congratulations time, and lots of, “well, but you still had fun, right ?” time.

The shoot-offs started at 6:00, and by now everybody knows that Gebben Miles is the 2012 World FITASC Champion. He’s put in a lot of hard work and had been shooting well.

The shoot-off everybody wanted to see was for second place between Ben Husthwaite and Giuseppe Calo. Now I had never seen Ben in person before, but he’s a guy that’s built like King Kong, covered from head to toe in tattoos, and walks around in pink Bermuda shorts, a pink Polo shirt, and pink tennis shoes. And somehow he makes it work.

If you think Caesar Guerini was tough, the shoot-off’s were tougher. The teal from the third peg had to be at least 100 yards, and some of these guys were getting it on the way down.

Husthwaite was crushing his birds, I’m talking nothing left but dust, and in the end he topped Calo by one bird to take the runner up spot.

Well boys and girls, moms and dads, that about sums it up. It was great, I had fun, I’m glad I went, and I’ll see you all in Spain next year.

Stay tuned to hear about day six when Brad takes on the TSA and the Chicago PD.
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