Thread: Bitter pallate?
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Old 06-29-2013, 01:34 AM   #1
Just in from the Storm
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Default Bitter pallate?

I've had a problem for a couple of months now.

Most cigars I have been smoking develop a bitter finish about halfway through the cigar.

I smoke a lot of Nicaraguan...Pepins, Oliva, EO brands, etc...

I've checked my RH, 60-65 mostly.

I'm a soft flamer, but have been doing that for a very long time & until recently, no problem.

Have tried flame purging & it helps a little.

I drink somewhat hoppy craft beers, amber ales, steam beer, etc. Have noticed that malty beers like bocks & stouts reduce the bitterness quite a bit, but don't want to drink stouts exclusivley.

Have tried, without much success LOL, to slow down a bit on puffing. I'm not smoking any faster than I have for years, so WTH?

I haven't tried dry boxing yet as it demands a bit more planning than I would prefer.

So, to summarize. The nose is great, am still a very prolific retroinhaler, & the taste is fine...til I get to the finish, then bitter city. AAAAGGGHHH!

Any thoughts? Anyone?

There may be some around here who may remember me from another site. I must say that Iamstillveryfondofbananacreampie!
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