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Old 10-06-2009, 06:20 PM   #213
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Ok so this might be a total beginner question. I'm just starting to try to enjoy them and not just be completely trashed when i break one out. Ive only tried a Fuente 8-5-8, which i dont know why but i really just got tired of. and a Padron 1964 which i really enjoyed, but i think i could have enjoyed it if i knew what i was doing.

Whats the best way to get the flavor out of the cigar and not just taste tobacco. I hear talk of nuts, pine, spices, cocoa, etc.... So can someone explain the proper way i should be taking the smoke in? Big puff, little puff, let it sit in my mouth till i have to breath, move my tongue around. Ive tried out the nose which is kinda hard because i dont smoke anything else so its all new and i dont want to inhale. Gimmie some pointers guys.

Thank yall
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